Philatelists Welcome!
Journalists, Authors, and Poets on Stamps
Our mission is to share information about journalists, authors, and poets who have been honored on postage stamps worldwide. We do this by researching and publishing member-written articles about them in our newsletter.

November 23, 2024
JAPOS Website Wins Award in APS Star Route Competition
We went up one level, from Vermeil to Large Vermeil, when our philatelic website attributes were evaluated this year. Two judges offered feedback with their scoring (one 90 points and the other 124 points). Both observed that we do not seem to have meetings, instead functioning primarily as a study group. One suggested a search function for our topics; this was before we had complete access to all of our bulletins in the APRL Digital Library.
JAPOS on Your Mail?
Journalists, Authors, and Poets are found on stamps from all over the world. Find your favorite!

Fifty Year Commemorative Event Covers
These souvenir First Day Covers feature pictorial cancels from the Great American Stamp Show held in Hartford CT in August 2024. Each version is available for $3 upon request to the Secretary-Treasurer. Make checks payable to JAPOS Study Unit.

Four Journalists on JAPOS Cover

This is one of four covers in a set having a JAPOS cachet added this year (2024). We have 3 sets to offer for sale, $12 per set.
Each cover has the same block of four stamps (issued in 2002) with a short bio about the journalist (Higgins, Payne, Bly, or Tarbell) featured in the cachet.
Order from our Secretary Treasurer by mail.

We are a study unit of the American Topical Association, an affiliate (#68) of the American Philatelic Society, and a chapter (#54) of the American First Day Cover Society.
Affiliated With:

The American Topical Association (ATA) helps us by providing checklists of stamps from around the world featuring journalists, authors, or poets.

The American Philatelic Society (est. 1886), the largest stamp collecting organization in the world, has something for every collector.

The American First Day Cover Society (AFDCS) promotes collection of stamps on envelopes (covers) postmarked in the city and on the date of the first day of issue.
JAPOS President
Michael Hennessy, 4439 N Rockwell St, apt 1, Chicago IL 60625.
Email: mjahenn@gmail.com
JAPOS Vice President
Mark Winnegrad, 1450 Parkchester Rd., Apt. 5A, Bronx, NY 10462
JAPOS Secretary-Treasurer
Cynthia Scott, 4505 Chapel Dr., Columbus, IN 47203
Email: study.japos@gmail.com